AUS Championship Blasts Off


Friday, November 17, 2017
Mandurah, Western Australia

Day One of the 2017 Hobie Kayak Bream Series 9 Australian Championship kicked off early this morning from inside the Mandurah Quay Resort marina.

Anglers pedalled out into the Peel Inlet, from the Power-Pole Staring Line in their Hobie Pro Angler 14 kayaks, powered by the Mirage Drive 180 pedal system, to take on the Black Bream of Western Australia.

The majority of anglers chanced the long pedal to the two river systems towards the west of the start, and 13 anglers headed up Mandurah Channel to the canal systems.

Reports from sceptics of “no fish” in the location, were soon laid to rest when by around 8:30 am tournament media boats on the water had come across three anglers who had already filled their Hobie Livewells with their bag limit of three fish.

The conditions of a 12 to 15 kt NNW breeze and cloudy skies created optimal conditions for fishing.

The 3 pm weigh-in was streamed live on the Hobie fishing website and Facebook, and there will be a stream once again tomorrow. You can watch today’s, and previous, live stream on the 2017 Australian Championship video page.

Don’t forget to keep your Facebook page handy for live crosses from the water throughout tomorrow’s day two session of the Australian Championship.



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Hobie Carts and Beach Dollys

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