Hobie Fishing Series 12 – Postponement


Due to the postponement of the Hobie Kayak Fishing Series 12 we will be refunding entries for all rounds up to Round 6.

Thanks for everyone’s patience during this difficult time, we trust all your family and friends are safe and well.

Whilst some of our staff have been juggling professional work and family commitments, we all appreciate your patience during this time of crisis.

Some of the refunds will be beginning today, and the balance will be forth coming over the next two weeks.

If there any urgent requests please email us at media@hobiecat.com.au.

All rounds are now closed to entry until further notice.

Though the series is postponed we are continuing to support and promote our sponsors and team members through social media, web and online competitions via Facebook. As we all do our best to adhere to the directives from State and Federal Authorities regarding flattening the curve we’d like to keep our community connected with a little bit of fun and keep our spirits up. We all look forward to seeing you all on the water one day very soon, catching some great fish and enjoying each others company like we have done over the past decade or more.



Like seat belts in cars, PFDs save lives. If you are on the water – please wear your personal floatation device.



Hobie stocks a huge range of PFD’s for all types of watersports. With a wide range suitable for adults, kids, and even the family dog, Hobie PFD's will have you safe on the water.

Hobie H-Crates

The Hobie H-Crate allows anglers to easily organise their fishing gear, within easy reach, while expanding the available H-Rail space on their Hobie kayak. Heavy duty adjustable straps allow for quick installation and removal.

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