The Countdown Begins

News Photo 7-11-17

From November 16 -19, 45 of Australia’s elite kayak anglers will converge on Mandurah in Western Australia (WA), to battle it out for the title of Australian champion.

55 Hobie Pro Angler 14 kayaks have been transported the 4000km from the eastern seaboard to the Indian Ocean on the west coast of the continent. The kayaks will be assembled, at the championship event site, by the Hobie Fishing Team who will fly in to WA a few days before the event, to setup the event infrastructure and then run the championship.

Long term weather forecasts predict favourable conditions over the period of the tournament and the system that sits at the mouth of the Murray and Serpentine Rivers is looking like it will fish very well. Currently, the Murray and Serpentine Rivers are producing good black bream, and the closer river to the championship event site, the Serpentine, is fishing the better of the two.

It’s been another phenomenal year for the 12-round, national series, which has seen 664 competitor entries, and taken those anglers to some of the most exciting fisheries, pristine waterways and natural environments across 5 Australian states. The series is more than just about fishing, it’s about sharing, it’s about being healthy and active, it’s about mateship and for many it has become a way of life.

That all said, the cream has risen to the top, and will be gathering shortly for the final shoot out of the year. We are getting excited, as these gun kayak anglers from Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory, prepare to meet, and compete in the 2017 Australian Championship in Western Australia.

The weather looks excellent and good size fish are around.
We Can’t Wait, Bream It On!



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